Tuesday 31 May 2016

TPLF led charges on yonatan Tesfaye accused of anti government facebook posts

The Human rights activist and ex-spokesman for Ethiopia's main opposition Blue Party has been charged with inciting violence and being a "ring leader" of a banned rebel group after he criticised the government on Facebook.Yonatan Tesfaye, who has been jailed since December 2015, in one message accused the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) of using "force against the people instead of using peaceful discussion with the public." The European Union and the US repeatedly expressed concern over vague use ATP law in Ethiopia under the repressive TPLF led regime. The regime persecutes activists, journalists opposition members and supporters to silence any dissent.

Full charges on Yonatan Tesfaye, a human rights activist, by politically captured legal system of TPLF in Ethiopia. Here is the full charges in English

Charged on – May 4th 2016
Plaintiff: Federal Public Prosecutor
Defendant – Yonatan Tesfaye
Crime – Violation of Article  4 of the Anti – Terrorism Proclamation (ATP )
Number of defendant – 1

Click here to read the full charges


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