Wednesday 28 January 2015

UDJ suffered broken bones; but not spirits

By Elias

The TPLF/Woyanne fascist police have mercilessly attacked members and leaders of Ethiopia’s main opposition party, Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) on Sunday. The x-ray above shows that one of the victims, Sileshi Hagos, UDJ organizer and Journalist Reyot Alemu’s fiance, suffered broken bones. Even a 7-month-pregnant woman was not spared Woyanne’s brutality on that day, which was witnessed by representatives of the US and EU governments who were invited by UDJ to observe the peaceful protest.

The Woyanne junta might have thought that by unleashing such a brutal, totally unprovoked attack they could kill the spirits of UDJ leaders and members, not just break their bones. That did not happen. On the same day, the UDJ leaders — those who didn’t need to be hospitalized — convened a meeting and decided to call another peaceful protest next Sunday. UDJs thus demonstrated that they are the real deal — genuine leaders of a peaceful struggle. They led from the front, took the brunt of the barbaric attack, bled and suffered broken bones, and came out with stronger determination.

This coming Sunday, UDJ is preparing for another peaceful protest to speak out against last Sunday’s police brutality and demand free and fair elections. This time the other opposition parties must join them, or else could and should lose the respect and support of the Ethiopian people.


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