Friday 14 November 2014

Amendment of terror charges requested by court during November 12 hearing

Wednesday morning members of the Zone 9 Bloggers, together with the three journalists, arrived to another court session at Lideta High Court, Addis Ababa.
During this session there was an order to amend the terrorism charges. In an interview (Amharic) with Ameha Mekonnen, defence lawyer of the bloggers, it is said that the charges in its present form does not mention what kind of terrorism the bloggers and journalists are alleged to have been plotting. It only says that they are accused of organizing themselves and designing terrorism without mentioning how. The court therefore ordered an amendment of about eight points of the terrorism charges. The charges should specify the acts of terrorism the bloggers and journalists are alleged to have been doing, otherwise the trial may not be able to continue with the present charge. For details in English, click here.

Aslo, the court decided to drop the second charge of the bloggers. However, the major themes of the second charge are covered in the first charge, which the bloggers still are accused of.
Edom Kasaye, one of the journalists, complained that her family continues facing harassment by the police while trying to visit her at the Kality prison. Edom and blogger Mahlet Fantahun have also complained about deteriorating prison conditions, but one of the prison officials denied all allegations of ill-treatment. The case will be seen again during the next court hearing.
Reports coming from the hearing tells that even though observers gave up their places, there was not enough room for family and friends in the court.

The trial is adjourned for the 12th time. The next hearing will take place on December 3, 2014. During the coming trial the hearing of the amended terrorism charges will take place.

Zone 9


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