Monday 29 June 2015

Stop legitimizing tyrants

President Obama has planned a trip to Africa and during his trip he will be visiting Ethiopia. This visit is very important because it will be the first visit to Ethiopia by a sitting US president. The people of Ethiopia strongly oppose this because of the implication behind the trip.

The scheduled trip to Ethiopia contradicts everything the President and US have been advocating and it is the opposite of isolating a corrupt government. Recent election showed that the Ruling Party won 100% of the votes similar to the election that took place in North Korea; this party has been in power for almost 25 years. In the last election in 2010 the party won 99.6%. This is not democracy and by having the president of the United States visit Ethiopia at this time will confirm that a democratic election took place.

Many local and international institutions including US state department report confirm that Ethiopia is one of the worst countries when it comes to human rights. The TPLF regime is one of the highest jailer of journalists, the most fake election with 100% claims, corrupt and crony oligarchy system which deprives its citizens of economic opportunities, forces its people to migration and expose them for human trafficking, humanitarian disaster, and slavery, jails and murders opposition members and commits many more atrocities. To bless such a totalitarian regime with official state visit would be showing no regard to the values and principles USA stand for, freedom and liberty of humanity.

If the president makes his way to Ethiopia it will legitimize a corrupt undemocratic government. It will give power to tyrants to manipulate and continue implementing the unlawful acts that keep oppressing journalists, citizens across the nation and keep their grasp on the economy that only benefits few elites. This will also be used as an example by other undemocratic states in Africa that their actions are rewarded rather than met with consequences.



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