Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ENTC), Ethiopian People’s
Congress for United Struggle (Shengo), Ethiopian Youth National Movement
(EYNM) and United Ethiopian Muslims Peaceful Movement Support Group
(UEM-PMSG) are jointly hosting a consultative conference on the need for
the formation of an all-inclusive unified alternative force to
coordinate the struggle for freedom in Ethiopia.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
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State Department Criticize Human Right Condition in Ethiopia
The 2014 edition of the US State Department on Human Rights' report severely criticizes the Ethiopian government in relation to the handling and practice of basic human rights in the country.
Among many problems and obstacles that the report illustrates are mainly associated with human right abuses and other related issues, mainly focusing on harsh treatment of journalists, opposition political figures, and bloggers, and the containment within the entire media sector.
"Although the constitution and law prohibit arbitrary arrest and detention, the government often ignored these provisions. There were many reports of arbitrary arrests and detention by police and security forces throughout the country," the report said.
Another area that is raised by the report regarding the detention of individuals is the denial of visitation for the families of prisoners.
The report stated, "The government did not permit access to prisoners by international human rights organizations."
Regarding the issue of freedom of speech and the press, the report raised a case to demonstrate its justification and stated that in February, the Federal First Instance Court in Addis Ababa convicted Asrat Tassie, a prominent member of the UDJ, of contempt of court after he wrote in an opinion piece, "We should not expect justice from [Ethiopian] courts." The judge sentenced Asrat to a five-month imprisonment but immediately suspended the sentence, opting for a two-year probationary period instead.
Additionally, the report also incorporated the cases of journalists who are detained, harassed or forced to leave the country. The report argued that "the constitution and law provide for freedom of speech and press; however, authorities arrested detained, charged, and prosecuted journalists and other persons whom they perceived as critical of the government. Some journalists, editors, and publishers fled the country, fearing probable detention. At year's end, at least 16 journalists remained in detention; of these, 10 were arrested and charged during the year, and all but one was denied bail and remain detained; four journalists and publishers were charged, tried, and convicted in absentia."
The report also raised an issue over the closed publishing houses that used to run a media business in the country, stating, "The government continued to take action to close independent newspapers. On August 4, the Ministry of Justice issued a statement accusing independently run publications Enqu, Fact, Addis Guday, Lomi, Jano, and Afro Times of 'repeated acts of incitement' intended 'to cause a violent overthrow of the constitutional order.'"
Unlike in previous years, there were fewer credible reports of disappearances of civilians after clashes between security forces and rebel groups. There were no developments in determining the whereabouts of 12 residents of Alamata town detained in January 2013 by security forces following protests against government plans to demolish illegal housing units.
The report also incorporated other human rights problems including reports of harsh and at times life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention; detention without charge and lengthy pretrial detention; a weak, overburdened judiciary subject to political influence; infringement of citizens' privacy rights, including illegal searches; alleged abuses in the implementation of the government's "villagization" program; restrictions on academic freedom; restrictions on freedom of assembly, association, and movement; clashes between ethnic minorities; limits on worker rights; forced labor and child labor.
The report depicts restrictions on freedom of expression, including continued restrictions in print media and on the Internet, and restrictions on freedom of association, including through arrests, politically motivated trials, and harassment and intimidation of opposition members and journalists. The government's continued restrictions on activities of civil society and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) imposed by the Charities and Societies Proclamation (the CSO law) is listed as the most significant human rights problems in the country.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Stop legitimizing tyrants
President Obama has planned a trip to Africa and during his
trip he will be visiting Ethiopia. This visit is very important because it will
be the first visit to Ethiopia by a sitting US president. The people of
Ethiopia strongly oppose this because of the implication behind the trip.
The scheduled trip to Ethiopia contradicts everything the
President and US have been advocating and it is the opposite of isolating a
corrupt government. Recent election showed that the Ruling Party won 100% of
the votes similar to the election that took place in North Korea; this party
has been in power for almost 25 years. In the last election in 2010 the party
won 99.6%. This is not democracy and by having the president of the United
States visit Ethiopia at this time will confirm that a democratic election took
Many local and international institutions including US state
department report confirm that Ethiopia is one of the worst countries when it
comes to human rights. The TPLF regime is one of the highest jailer of
journalists, the most fake election with 100% claims, corrupt and crony
oligarchy system which deprives its citizens of economic opportunities, forces
its people to migration and expose them for human trafficking, humanitarian
disaster, and slavery, jails and murders opposition members and commits many
more atrocities. To bless such a totalitarian regime with official state visit
would be showing no regard to the values and principles USA stand for, freedom
and liberty of humanity.
If the president makes his way to Ethiopia it will
legitimize a corrupt undemocratic government. It will give power to tyrants to
manipulate and continue implementing the unlawful acts that keep oppressing
journalists, citizens across the nation and keep their grasp on the economy
that only benefits few elites. This will also be used as an example by other
undemocratic states in Africa that their actions are rewarded rather than met
with consequences.
Time to Expose the Brutal Regime in Ethiopia
The US leadership through a wrong foreign policy is denying the over
90 million Ethiopian peoples for sake of a disguise “national interest
of the USA”. It is supporting one of the most brutal regimes in the
world. It is using tax payer’s money to fund the tyrant regime that
stayed on power since 1991 by dominating all political parties illegally
and with force and corruption. Democracy is nominally used while the
journalists are jailed, killed or are forced to exile. It divided the
people ethnically and putting them in constant conflict while exploiting
them, evicting the people from their historical lands and birth places
while selling land to foreign scavengers with low price for its
benefits. While regime in Ethiopia is corrupt, brutal and dictatorial,
it brands itself as fighter of terrorism while it leads a state of
terror over Ethiopians.
On the other hand the Obama regime denied the Ethiopian people while supporting dictatorship and brutality. Obama actually stood against human rights in Ethiopia. Hence it time to expose the brutal regime so that the leading nation can revise its foreign policy. This can happen if all opposition forces and advocates of democracy and human rights stand together for their common cause. This is the time to show that we have a common enemy. Please stand together and expose the regime at this critical time in history.
On the other hand the Obama regime denied the Ethiopian people while supporting dictatorship and brutality. Obama actually stood against human rights in Ethiopia. Hence it time to expose the brutal regime so that the leading nation can revise its foreign policy. This can happen if all opposition forces and advocates of democracy and human rights stand together for their common cause. This is the time to show that we have a common enemy. Please stand together and expose the regime at this critical time in history.
Saturday, 27 June 2015
An open letter concerning the visit of President Obama to Ethiopia – AEUP Support Group
All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) USA-Support Group
We are saddened to hear and read that President Barack Obama will visit Ethiopia, a nation that is currently ruled by a merciless dictatorship, in July 2015. America is a country that works toward forming a better union for its citizens. The American declaration of independence holds self-evident that all men are created equal with inalienable rights for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that individuals have the right to overthrow a ruler who works against their just rights. All such individual and the just human rights of Ethiopians have been trampled over by the ethnic-based party, which has been ruling Ethiopia during the last 24 years, and which incrementally has become a stronger and brazen dictatorship.
The regime operates by smoke and mirrors: it has a good sounding constitution but it does not follow it; its leaders speak of good sounding principles to western leaders, but they are merciless and brutal to their own citizens; its leaders speak of the plight of the impoverished, and diseased Ethiopians, but the rulers enrich themselves by pillaging Ethiopia. The so-called national army is organized by the ruling party, and over 95% of the officer belong to the ruling ethnic group. Ethiopians have no rights to have independent journalists. The country has no independent judiciary, or national election board.
The regime holds sham elections every five years and gets elected by imprisoning, torturing and killing opposition party officials. It places individuals in the national parliament, which it assigns as members of the opposition party. Just before the so-called National Elections of May 2015, the regime imprisoned the duly elected president, President Mamushet Amare, and 46 other Ethiopians of the largest pan-Ethiopian party, AEUP (All Ethiopian Unity Party, also known as MEAD -Yemelaw Ethiopia Andenet Derjit”)
The representatives of other pan-Ethiopian parties had also been replaced by individuals who have been hand-picked by the ruling regime, or were allowed to function, while some opposition candidates running for elections had been tortured, imprisoned or killed by the regime. In short, pan-Ethiopian opposition party officials are hunted down, one by one, and put to jail, tortured or killed for using their “constitutional guaranteed” rights to run for elections and to speak out against injustice perpetrated by the ruling TPLF/EPRDF regime.
We are saddened to know that the USA continues to give monetary support to the ethnic-based regime of Ethiopia, and we were even more deeply angered and saddened when a US official, Mrs. Wendy Sherman, so shamelessly and blatantly made wrong public statements to provide support to the dictatorial regime of Ethiopia days before the re-election of the regime.
The Ethiopian dictatorship is an abomination to all freedom-loving people across the world. It survives through trickery and double dealing with the West and the East. It ought to have been unthinkable for the USA to provide any support to the brazen dictatorship of Ethiopia, which has forcibly created ethnic-based Bantustans that dislocated millions of Ethiopians, killed hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians. The citizens of Ethiopia will not benefit by any support given to to dictatorial regime.
Upon President Obama’s visit to the OAU at Addis Abeba and the dictatorial Ethiopian regime in Ethiopia, we plead to President Obama to consider the following.
1. Ask firmly for the release of President Mamushet Amare, Mr Abraham Getu and 46 other AEUP officials, as well as the untold number of prisoners of conscience including Andualem Arage, Unity for Democracy Justice Party V. Chairman and journalists, Eskindr Nega, Reyot Alemu, Zone 9 Bloggers and tens of thousands who languish in the TPLF/EPRDF jails all over the country for only exercising their constitutional rights in a peaceful way.
2.Put the necessary pressure to have the dictatorial regime scrap the so called ” Charities law ” which has become the weapon of subjugation, as an excuse of fighting terrorism to suppress, harass and kill opposition party members and citizens.
3. Attach any American aid or budget support to the Ethiopian regime be contingent with or on conditions of the protection and safeguarding of basic human rights and accountability.
4. Go through the USA State Department’s own 2014 and 2015 country reports on Ethiopia and demand answers from the Ethiopian regime.
Ethiopia stretches her hands to God, and it shall survive.
All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) USA-Support group
June 24, 2015
We are saddened to hear and read that President Barack Obama will visit Ethiopia, a nation that is currently ruled by a merciless dictatorship, in July 2015. America is a country that works toward forming a better union for its citizens. The American declaration of independence holds self-evident that all men are created equal with inalienable rights for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that individuals have the right to overthrow a ruler who works against their just rights. All such individual and the just human rights of Ethiopians have been trampled over by the ethnic-based party, which has been ruling Ethiopia during the last 24 years, and which incrementally has become a stronger and brazen dictatorship.
The regime operates by smoke and mirrors: it has a good sounding constitution but it does not follow it; its leaders speak of good sounding principles to western leaders, but they are merciless and brutal to their own citizens; its leaders speak of the plight of the impoverished, and diseased Ethiopians, but the rulers enrich themselves by pillaging Ethiopia. The so-called national army is organized by the ruling party, and over 95% of the officer belong to the ruling ethnic group. Ethiopians have no rights to have independent journalists. The country has no independent judiciary, or national election board.
The regime holds sham elections every five years and gets elected by imprisoning, torturing and killing opposition party officials. It places individuals in the national parliament, which it assigns as members of the opposition party. Just before the so-called National Elections of May 2015, the regime imprisoned the duly elected president, President Mamushet Amare, and 46 other Ethiopians of the largest pan-Ethiopian party, AEUP (All Ethiopian Unity Party, also known as MEAD -Yemelaw Ethiopia Andenet Derjit”)
The representatives of other pan-Ethiopian parties had also been replaced by individuals who have been hand-picked by the ruling regime, or were allowed to function, while some opposition candidates running for elections had been tortured, imprisoned or killed by the regime. In short, pan-Ethiopian opposition party officials are hunted down, one by one, and put to jail, tortured or killed for using their “constitutional guaranteed” rights to run for elections and to speak out against injustice perpetrated by the ruling TPLF/EPRDF regime.
We are saddened to know that the USA continues to give monetary support to the ethnic-based regime of Ethiopia, and we were even more deeply angered and saddened when a US official, Mrs. Wendy Sherman, so shamelessly and blatantly made wrong public statements to provide support to the dictatorial regime of Ethiopia days before the re-election of the regime.
The Ethiopian dictatorship is an abomination to all freedom-loving people across the world. It survives through trickery and double dealing with the West and the East. It ought to have been unthinkable for the USA to provide any support to the brazen dictatorship of Ethiopia, which has forcibly created ethnic-based Bantustans that dislocated millions of Ethiopians, killed hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians. The citizens of Ethiopia will not benefit by any support given to to dictatorial regime.
Upon President Obama’s visit to the OAU at Addis Abeba and the dictatorial Ethiopian regime in Ethiopia, we plead to President Obama to consider the following.
1. Ask firmly for the release of President Mamushet Amare, Mr Abraham Getu and 46 other AEUP officials, as well as the untold number of prisoners of conscience including Andualem Arage, Unity for Democracy Justice Party V. Chairman and journalists, Eskindr Nega, Reyot Alemu, Zone 9 Bloggers and tens of thousands who languish in the TPLF/EPRDF jails all over the country for only exercising their constitutional rights in a peaceful way.
2.Put the necessary pressure to have the dictatorial regime scrap the so called ” Charities law ” which has become the weapon of subjugation, as an excuse of fighting terrorism to suppress, harass and kill opposition party members and citizens.
3. Attach any American aid or budget support to the Ethiopian regime be contingent with or on conditions of the protection and safeguarding of basic human rights and accountability.
4. Go through the USA State Department’s own 2014 and 2015 country reports on Ethiopia and demand answers from the Ethiopian regime.
Ethiopia stretches her hands to God, and it shall survive.
All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) USA-Support group
June 24, 2015
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
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Friday, 19 June 2015
Gayle Smith condemned by an Ethiopian activist during a US Senate confirmation hearing
Mekonnen Getachew, an Ethiopian activist, loudly condemned Gayle Smith while on a confirmation hearing as USAID administrator nominee at Senate Building in Washington DC, on Wednesday June 17, 2015. Smith was interrupted when she was giving a speech on human rights, development, and good governance in Africa.
Mr. Mekonnen, DC metro area Taskforce member for Human Rights and Democracy, told ESAT that Smith has been supporting Tigray people’s Liberation Front a for quarter of a century. “Instead of working for ordinary people in Ethiopia, Smith has been cooperating with a dictatorial and corrupt government officials that oppress the Ethiopian people,” Mekonnen told ESAT.
Unlike what Smith said during the hearing, human rights conditions in Ethiopia have deteriorated, the political space ever narrowing, and people are resorting to alternative forms of struggle to gain their fundamental rights and liberties denied to them by the regime in Ethiopia. US has done nothing practical and concrete about the worsening political condition in Ethiopia, save for an occasional expression of “deep concern” for the regime’s excesses, according to political analysts. Currently, hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians trek to faraway places under harrowing conditions, including to even war torn countries like South Sudan and Somalia and Yemen. They are prone to modern slavery, the activist says.
Mekonnen told ESAT, “the fabricated success story Smith tells about Ethiopia should be stopped. We know the situation on the ground. The USAID money dispersed to Africa ends in the pockets of corrupt government officials and used to further muzzle and persecute the Ethiopian people,” the activist said.
During the incident at the Senate hearing, Mekonnen showed photographs of Ethiopian murdered in the hands of the security forces of the Ethiopian regime. He loudly called upon Smith to stop supporting killers and governments that terrorize their own people.
Later, security officers took him aside. Mr. Mekonnen was released after questioning.
Similarly, several international media outlets have reported that ambassadors, academics and journalists have criticized Gayle Smith, currently assistant to the president and the National Security Council’s senior director for development, for sympathizing with despotic regimes in Ethiopia, Uganda, and many countries in Africa. Smith is criticized for using aid money to promote Americas’ hidden agenda and concessions. USAID is used as an instrument of proxy to fight terrorism and facilitate military intervention elsewhere. Many political analysts believe that Smith’s background proves this legacy.
The United States maintains a cozy relation with Ethiopia as it is an ally on “a war on terror” and Ethiopia fought Al-Shabaab in Somalia. The same country accused Eritrea for supporting Al-Shabaab without tangible evidence. Herman Cohen, former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, told International Business Times that this is due to Gayle’s personal animosity towards Eritrea.
Gayle Smith along with Susan Rice are blamed for failing to stop war between Eritrea and Ethiopia that claimed more than 70,000 lives and displaced hundreds of thousands of people from both sides. Both Susan Rice and Gayle Smith are also faulted for the ill-advised US Foreign Policy towards Ethiopia and USA’s continued support for a brutal ethnocentric and dictatorial regime that has been documented as one of the worst enemies of the press and human rights violators by the US State Department’s own annual human rights report.
It is recalled that the United States provides $ 580 million aid to Ethiopia annually.
Smith lived and worked in Ethiopia. She was a senior director for African affairs at the National Security Council from 1994 to 1998. She has worked in Africa for more than 20 years as a journalist, aid worker, and founder of an NGO.
President Obama nominated Gayle Smith on April 20, 2015 to replace Rajiv Shah as the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) which tackles humanitarian disasters with an annual budget of $ 20 billion.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
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á°á 10 áá 2007 á.á
á á˛áľ á á áŁ
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
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Monday, 15 June 2015
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Sunday, 14 June 2015
Oromo Peaceful Protest in Washington D.C., Friday June 19, 2015
A Call to Demonstrate Against the TPLF /EPRDF Tyrannical Regime
Dear All Oromos and friends of the Oromo in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area and living in other states of USA
The Oromo Community Organization (OCO) of the Washington Metropolitan Area, the Oromo Youth Self-help Association (OYSA), the International Oromo Women’s Organization (IOWO) and the Coordinating Committee formed to establish the Oromo Community Association in North America (OCO_NA) have jointly planned to hold a protest rally in front of the White House and
US State Department on June 19, 2015 starting 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM against the Oromo massacre by the TPLF led minority regime in Ethiopia.
The purpose of this protest rally is to strongly protest against the ongoing widespread human rights violations and extrajudicial killings of Oromos in general and Oromo students in universities in particular by the TPLF minority regime in Ethiopia.
In May 2014 the government security forces killed 70 students demonstrating against the TPLF led minority regime in Ethiopia land grab policy, thousands wounded and arrested. Oromo youth are targeted in general. There are about 45,000 political prisoners as reported by different ex-political prisoners.
The current Ethiopia Government is the regime that dehumanizes the Oromo public; violates the basic human rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. The Regime is holding thousands of Oromo political prisoners in its notorious Maikelawi and many other Government detention centers without due legal process and displaces millions of Oromo farmers from their land in the name of master plan development to grab land. The arrests and tortures of Oromos have continued. Many of those who survived the torture have remained incarcerated.
For example, at the end of 2014 two Oromo farmers in Salale Zone, North Shoa were brutally murdered and their bodies dragged and put on public display for resisting oppression against /TPLF regime.
Very recently, in 2014, Mr. Abbay Tsehaye, one of the top officials of TPLF, adviser of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and head of the Addis Ababa Master plan designers declared war of terror and genocide against the Oromo people for resisting the expansion of Addis Ababa Administration into Oromia State and the ongoing Oromo land grab by the TPLF led minority regime. Oromo citizens couldn’t live peacefully to work, to learn and determine their destinies.
Ethiopia is an open prison for the Oromo nationals. Thousands are fleeing their country due to lack of security, peace, freedom and guarantee for life. Young Oromos who fled their country due to Ethiopian government brutality have fallen victims to the beheadings by ISIS in Libya. Many others have perished in the Mediterranean Sea when smugglers’ boats capsized. Oromos are also victims of recent xenophobic killings in South Africa and displacement of refugees by civil war in Yemen.
We are protesting to expose this wanton state aggression against the citizens. We make the protest rally to request the U.S administration and the democratic loving Americans to exert utmost pressure on the Ethiopian dictatorial regime so that it stop the arbitrary arrests, kidnappings, tortures and killings of innocent Oromos and university students for simply exercising their God-given basic human rights; freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of peaceful demonstration. We request because the regime is the ally of the United States. In particular, the rally will demand a halt to the killing of Oromo students who are peacefully protesting against the so-called Integrated Development Master Plan whose sole purpose is to illegally expand the capital city, Addis Ababa/Finfinnee towards Oromia State, thereby systematically evicting Oromo farmers from their ancestral lands as well as dispossessing them of their properties, identity, culture, language, freedom, way of life…etc.
We also oppose and denounce the false & predetermined election and its shameful results which was orchestrated to legitimize and elongate the authoritarian tenure of TPLF at the expense of the voices of millions of Oromo and other peoples in Ethiopia. The irresponsible TPLF minority gangs once again proved their dictatorial grip to power by declaring EPRDF’s sweeping the election.
All Oromos, democratic nations and friends of Oromo should stand against the heinous acts being perpetrated towards Oromo students by the minority led Ethiopian government as well as against the so-called Addis Ababa-Oromia state integrated master plan and also condemns in the strongest terms, the killings and violent atrocities committed against Ethiopian immigrants in Libya, South Africa and Yemen. We also demand that the authorities ordering and executing this massacre against Oromos and other peoples be held accountable for their crimes at an international court.
OCO, OYSA, IOWO and OCA-NA Coordinating Committee are calling upon all Oromos and friends of Oromo in USA and diaspora to demonstrate against this killer and cunning minority led regime in Ethiopia on the same day June 19, 2015.
OCO, OYSA, IOWO and OCA-NA Coordinating Committee a Joint Board of Directors
Dear All Oromos and friends of the Oromo in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area and living in other states of USA
The Oromo Community Organization (OCO) of the Washington Metropolitan Area, the Oromo Youth Self-help Association (OYSA), the International Oromo Women’s Organization (IOWO) and the Coordinating Committee formed to establish the Oromo Community Association in North America (OCO_NA) have jointly planned to hold a protest rally in front of the White House and
US State Department on June 19, 2015 starting 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM against the Oromo massacre by the TPLF led minority regime in Ethiopia.
The purpose of this protest rally is to strongly protest against the ongoing widespread human rights violations and extrajudicial killings of Oromos in general and Oromo students in universities in particular by the TPLF minority regime in Ethiopia.
In May 2014 the government security forces killed 70 students demonstrating against the TPLF led minority regime in Ethiopia land grab policy, thousands wounded and arrested. Oromo youth are targeted in general. There are about 45,000 political prisoners as reported by different ex-political prisoners.
The current Ethiopia Government is the regime that dehumanizes the Oromo public; violates the basic human rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. The Regime is holding thousands of Oromo political prisoners in its notorious Maikelawi and many other Government detention centers without due legal process and displaces millions of Oromo farmers from their land in the name of master plan development to grab land. The arrests and tortures of Oromos have continued. Many of those who survived the torture have remained incarcerated.
For example, at the end of 2014 two Oromo farmers in Salale Zone, North Shoa were brutally murdered and their bodies dragged and put on public display for resisting oppression against /TPLF regime.
Very recently, in 2014, Mr. Abbay Tsehaye, one of the top officials of TPLF, adviser of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and head of the Addis Ababa Master plan designers declared war of terror and genocide against the Oromo people for resisting the expansion of Addis Ababa Administration into Oromia State and the ongoing Oromo land grab by the TPLF led minority regime. Oromo citizens couldn’t live peacefully to work, to learn and determine their destinies.
Ethiopia is an open prison for the Oromo nationals. Thousands are fleeing their country due to lack of security, peace, freedom and guarantee for life. Young Oromos who fled their country due to Ethiopian government brutality have fallen victims to the beheadings by ISIS in Libya. Many others have perished in the Mediterranean Sea when smugglers’ boats capsized. Oromos are also victims of recent xenophobic killings in South Africa and displacement of refugees by civil war in Yemen.
We are protesting to expose this wanton state aggression against the citizens. We make the protest rally to request the U.S administration and the democratic loving Americans to exert utmost pressure on the Ethiopian dictatorial regime so that it stop the arbitrary arrests, kidnappings, tortures and killings of innocent Oromos and university students for simply exercising their God-given basic human rights; freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of peaceful demonstration. We request because the regime is the ally of the United States. In particular, the rally will demand a halt to the killing of Oromo students who are peacefully protesting against the so-called Integrated Development Master Plan whose sole purpose is to illegally expand the capital city, Addis Ababa/Finfinnee towards Oromia State, thereby systematically evicting Oromo farmers from their ancestral lands as well as dispossessing them of their properties, identity, culture, language, freedom, way of life…etc.
We also oppose and denounce the false & predetermined election and its shameful results which was orchestrated to legitimize and elongate the authoritarian tenure of TPLF at the expense of the voices of millions of Oromo and other peoples in Ethiopia. The irresponsible TPLF minority gangs once again proved their dictatorial grip to power by declaring EPRDF’s sweeping the election.
All Oromos, democratic nations and friends of Oromo should stand against the heinous acts being perpetrated towards Oromo students by the minority led Ethiopian government as well as against the so-called Addis Ababa-Oromia state integrated master plan and also condemns in the strongest terms, the killings and violent atrocities committed against Ethiopian immigrants in Libya, South Africa and Yemen. We also demand that the authorities ordering and executing this massacre against Oromos and other peoples be held accountable for their crimes at an international court.
OCO, OYSA, IOWO and OCA-NA Coordinating Committee are calling upon all Oromos and friends of Oromo in USA and diaspora to demonstrate against this killer and cunning minority led regime in Ethiopia on the same day June 19, 2015.
OCO, OYSA, IOWO and OCA-NA Coordinating Committee a Joint Board of Directors
Saturday, 13 June 2015
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Tuesday, 9 June 2015
How much longer for democracy in Ethiopia?
Ethiopia’s Half a Century of Longing for Democracy
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” —- Albert Camus
Half a century has passed since the first “democracy now!” slogan appeared in public arena and seared into the consciousness of the people of Ethiopia. This short lived excitement and euphoria was soon overturned when the military junta hijacked the popular discontent and establsihed a ruthless authoritarian rule that lasted for 17 years. Throughout this period the military regime launched a brutal campaign of terror on all those opposed or suspected of being in opposition to its rule until its demise in 1991. In the process, the democratic aspirations of the Ethiopian people suffered a setback that continues to this day.
The Ethiopian people were tossed from the frying pan to the fire when the military junta was succeeded by the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF). What followed is 24 years of a bloody nightmare that continues to terrorize the public to this day under all the platitudes of ‘democracy’ and the ‘rule of law.’ The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has engineered and executed political violence is a brutal and heinous form of state sanctioned rampage that is similar to the apartheid system of institutional violence.
The tragic events of the last 50 years as carried out by two authoritarian rules have not only delayed the democratic aspirations of the people, but also has inflicted collective trauma on the people and dislocated the political, social and economic equilibrium of the society. Thus, addressing and restoring a sense of balance in the social sphere requires a thoughtful, mature and deliberate approach from the leaders, as well as the public. Fostering a spirit of reconciliation and enhancing peacebuilding activities must be part and parcel of re-imagining a new country that is capable of healing its past wounds while building institutions that safeguard the rights and freedoms of its citizens.
We live in a time of a great social discontent and a great push for change not just in Ethiopia but across the globe. People are demanding fundamental change in response to a decaying political and economic structures that excluded them from participating and benefiting. The situation in its brutality, exclusion and form of oppression is unacceptable in Ethiopia, which makes the need for change more urgent, so that the suffering of the Ethiopian people under TPLF’s authoritarian rule comes to an end.
No one can predict for certain when and how social uprisings come about. Social discontents and rebellions have their own evolutionary progression and they cannot be formulated or designed into structured specificities. One can be sure, however, that all authoritarian rules fear the power of the people because they know all too well that when the people are fed-up, and feel they have lost their dignity under the regime, they are not willing to settle for anything less than total change. To be successful such uprisings often attract various segments of the society, including members of the security, police and army who declare their solidarity with people.
Although each popular uprising has its own originality and authenticity in nature and form there are great lessons to be learnt from social uprisings that took place in many coutries around the globe. One of these important lessons is confronting the forces of injustice as a united front by putting aside political and ideological differences. In this regard, forces that aspire to build a democratic system of governance in Ethiopia have been guilty of failing to establish strong and united platform.
The time for a united and coordinated struggle was yesterday. Any delay in forging this critical forum is not only irresponsible, but also dangerous and could put the country in an irreversible course of political, social and economic turmoil with potential devastating consequences. At this stage, the complex challenges facing the country, and its people are bigger than any political party or the ego of any leader. The task at hand calls for putting aside all the insignificant differences and working toward building a country where all citizens have equal right to enjoy freedom and liberty. Any political leader who wants to escape the harsh judgement of history must say “this is not about me” or “this is no longer about my individual party’s program” and see through the urgency of the situation and the dire consequences of inaction.
We owe it to the future generation and to those who paid the ultimate price for the establishment of genuine democratic system of governance in Ethiopia.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” —- Albert Camus
Half a century has passed since the first “democracy now!” slogan appeared in public arena and seared into the consciousness of the people of Ethiopia. This short lived excitement and euphoria was soon overturned when the military junta hijacked the popular discontent and establsihed a ruthless authoritarian rule that lasted for 17 years. Throughout this period the military regime launched a brutal campaign of terror on all those opposed or suspected of being in opposition to its rule until its demise in 1991. In the process, the democratic aspirations of the Ethiopian people suffered a setback that continues to this day.
The Ethiopian people were tossed from the frying pan to the fire when the military junta was succeeded by the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF). What followed is 24 years of a bloody nightmare that continues to terrorize the public to this day under all the platitudes of ‘democracy’ and the ‘rule of law.’ The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has engineered and executed political violence is a brutal and heinous form of state sanctioned rampage that is similar to the apartheid system of institutional violence.
The tragic events of the last 50 years as carried out by two authoritarian rules have not only delayed the democratic aspirations of the people, but also has inflicted collective trauma on the people and dislocated the political, social and economic equilibrium of the society. Thus, addressing and restoring a sense of balance in the social sphere requires a thoughtful, mature and deliberate approach from the leaders, as well as the public. Fostering a spirit of reconciliation and enhancing peacebuilding activities must be part and parcel of re-imagining a new country that is capable of healing its past wounds while building institutions that safeguard the rights and freedoms of its citizens.
We live in a time of a great social discontent and a great push for change not just in Ethiopia but across the globe. People are demanding fundamental change in response to a decaying political and economic structures that excluded them from participating and benefiting. The situation in its brutality, exclusion and form of oppression is unacceptable in Ethiopia, which makes the need for change more urgent, so that the suffering of the Ethiopian people under TPLF’s authoritarian rule comes to an end.
No one can predict for certain when and how social uprisings come about. Social discontents and rebellions have their own evolutionary progression and they cannot be formulated or designed into structured specificities. One can be sure, however, that all authoritarian rules fear the power of the people because they know all too well that when the people are fed-up, and feel they have lost their dignity under the regime, they are not willing to settle for anything less than total change. To be successful such uprisings often attract various segments of the society, including members of the security, police and army who declare their solidarity with people.
Although each popular uprising has its own originality and authenticity in nature and form there are great lessons to be learnt from social uprisings that took place in many coutries around the globe. One of these important lessons is confronting the forces of injustice as a united front by putting aside political and ideological differences. In this regard, forces that aspire to build a democratic system of governance in Ethiopia have been guilty of failing to establish strong and united platform.
The time for a united and coordinated struggle was yesterday. Any delay in forging this critical forum is not only irresponsible, but also dangerous and could put the country in an irreversible course of political, social and economic turmoil with potential devastating consequences. At this stage, the complex challenges facing the country, and its people are bigger than any political party or the ego of any leader. The task at hand calls for putting aside all the insignificant differences and working toward building a country where all citizens have equal right to enjoy freedom and liberty. Any political leader who wants to escape the harsh judgement of history must say “this is not about me” or “this is no longer about my individual party’s program” and see through the urgency of the situation and the dire consequences of inaction.
We owe it to the future generation and to those who paid the ultimate price for the establishment of genuine democratic system of governance in Ethiopia.
Addis Ababa 2005 Ethiopian election, opposition parties rally
Monday, 8 June 2015
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Friday, 5 June 2015
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