Tuesday 21 April 2015

Statement of Patriotic Ginbot 7 on Fellow Ethiopians who were Victims of barbarians

Statement of Patriotic Ginbot 7 on Fellow Ethiopians who were Victims of barbarians
It is with deep distress that the people of Ethiopia have heard the barbaric killing of twenty eight fellow Ethiopians in Libya on April 19, 2015 by the barbaric and medieval cowards of ISIS. This group, who belong to the darkest of dark ages, and takes pleasure of its barbarism, has killed desperate, defenseless Ethiopian migrants who have no other objective other than seeking a better life outside of their country. By so doing, the barbaric and criminal beasts have demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that they have a serious quarrel with humanity itself, not to mention the fact that they don’t even know what prophet Mohammad, in whose name they kill, has said about Ethiopia and Ethiopians in the holy book and the story of the First Hegira.

Patriotic Ginbot 7 for Unity and Democracy Condemns this heinous crime on our fellow citizens and calls on all Ethiopians to condemn it in no uncertain and clear terms and put up a united fight against this barbaric group in all ways and means we can.

We also take this opportunity to reiterate the fact that the barbaric terrorism perpetrated by this group which calls itself ISIS, has nothing to do with the religion of Islam as what it does is against the teachings of Islamic. Our country Ethiopia is holy to both Moslems and Christians. Moslems and Christians in in Ethiopia live and have lived as a family harmonisly , exemplary tolerance and respect of one another’s religions. As Ethiopians, we will keep priding ourselves of this exemplary unity between Moslems and Christians and consider it as pivotal feature for our survival as a country in bad and good times for over millennia.

The tragedy that has befallen on our fellow country and people over the last week has not been only the murder of our fellow Ethiopians in Libya. In South Africa fellow Ethiopians were also murdered in cold blood and burned with fire alive. During the same week we have also heard the drowning of a ship in the Mediterranean Sea that we believe has carried large number of Ethiopians who perished along with 700 other people. In Yemen thousands of Ethiopians are living in the middle of the hell of war.

Ethiopians who flee injustice and economic hardship in their country are facing humiliation, death and hopelessness in a way that we have rarely seen in our history. There is no question that the source of all these hardship is the corrupt dictatorship of the TPLF that is ruling Ethiopia with iron fist and with callous disregard for the welfare of Ethiopians. We, as an organization of democracy and justice, believe that the removal of this regime from power is the only way to reverse this tragedy that we are subjected to live in. For Ethiopians, there is no place better than Ethiopia and we are determined to make it one.

Patriotic Ginbot 7 calls on Ethiopians to once and for all end this tragedy by fully engaging in the struggle everywhere, in places where we live and work , contribute towards an organized resistance to the TPLF brutal rule. We call on all Ethiopians from all walks of life , including Ethiopians of every religion and ethnic group to come together, join hands and struggle in unison to remove this regime. We can never forget that the TPLF is the source of this unending tragic life of our people.
Eternal peace for those who lost their lives by barbarians!


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