Wednesday 22 October 2014

Berhanu Nega says Eritrea crucial to building capacity

                                         Dr Berhanu Nega (right) with Ethiomedia editor Abraha Belai 

Dr Berhanu Nega, chairman of Ginbot 7, the Movement for Freedom, Justice and Democracy, was in Seattle recently. He addressed Ethiopians on the progress of Ginbot 7 as well as the overall political situation in Ethiopia. Later in the evening, some friends met Dr Berhanu and asked him a few questions:

Ethiomedia - How is Ginbot 7 following the arrest of Andargachew Tsege?

Dr Berhanu - Counter to the desire of the TPLF/EPRDF regime, the arrest of Andargachew has galvanized the struggle for justice and democracy. The abduction and eventual end of Andargachew in a Woyane prison has sparked anger throughout the Ethiopian diaspora as evidenced by the protests and demonstrations seen in many countries, including the United States and Europe. We believe the condition back in Ethiopia is no different than what has been witnessed in the Diaspora.

Ethiomedia- When are you to pull out of Eritrea?

Dr Berhanu - Why should we?

Ethiomedia - You think you will succeed where many other Ethiopians before you have failed?

Dr Berhanu - Can you give me a reason for their failure?

Ethiomedia - Because the Eritrean regime didn't want the emergence of a united Ethiopian force that would topple TPLF.

Dr Berhanu - No, I don't accept that. Those organizations that were in Eritrea failed not because of the Eritrean regime but because they lacked leadership qualities. Poor leadership was to blame for their own failure.But holding the Ertirean regime for their own weaknesses was the easiest excuse to offer. The Eritrean regime doesn't interfere in our affairs, and if we fail, we blame no one but ourselves.

Ethiomedia- Take the case of Col. Fesseha, the TPDM leader. Many sources said the former TPLF rebel who joined and became a prominent leader of the heavily-armed TPDM was murdered by the Eritrean regime. How come?

Dr Berhanu - You got the information wrong. Fesseha was killed during an argument with an Eritrean known for having mental sickness. But opponents of the Eritrean regime were quick to make it as a politically charged murder.

Ethiomedia - So, no reason to pull out of Eritrea?

Dr Berhanu - We are not saying we will depend on Eritrea forever. We need to build our fighting capacity, and the only ideal place to achieve our goal is in Eritrea. Once we are done with building our [fighting capacity], we will move into our country where we shall fight to secure our own military base.

Ethiomedia - Your organization vows to use both the peaceful and armed struggle to effect a political change in Ethiopia. How is the progress on the armed side?

Dr Berhanu - We are currently working to bring Ginbot 7, Ethiopian Patriots and TPDM into one fold. We are working so that these three Ethiopian organizations build a common front. We believe this will greatly enhance the armed struggle against the ruling party in Ethiopia.

Ethiomedia - Any time frame?

Dr Berhanu - I can't be specific but we hope to move into a higher gear this year.

Source-    Ethiomedia


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